
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Foods/Typical Meal Essay

Talking about Belgian food, Earl Steinbicker (2006) says: Regular meals tend to be enormous and lengthy, as compensation for the small continental breakfast. A great deal of fat is often used in traditiononal Belgian cooking, so you will probably want to limit yourself to one full meal a day. some typically Belgian meat dishes are:Carbonnades flamandes(beef cooked in beer),Biftek et frites(beefsteak with French fries) and jambon dArdennes(smoked ham). the favorite seafood seems to be moules(mussels)served in very large quantity. Shrimps is often prepared as tomatoes aux crevettes (stuffed in tomatoes). Vegetable dishes: Chicoree-witloof (Belgian endive)-Asperges a’la flamande (white asparagus with egg sauce). the most common snack, sold every where is frites (French fries eaten with mayonnaise), and try gaufres (Belgian waffles). Belgium is the land of beer no one can make better brew. Like: pils, kriek. Another fowl treat is Oie aIinstar de vise'(goose boiled and then fried). Daily Schedule There is no illiteracy in Belgium. Schooling is free and compulsory from ages 6 to 14. The nation’s primary and secondary school systems are divided between private denominational (usually Roman Catholic) schools and nonsectarian government schools. The subsidized private schools educate more than one half of the pupils. Most schools work a half-day on Wednesday, though the afternoon is sometimes given over to sporting or cultural activities. These can also happen on a Saturday morning (Encyclopedia Britannica Online, 2007). Your Reaction Place you’d like to see The Castle of Veves A fascinating castle in the village of Celles . It has been built on 1410 and still lived in by the same family and is fully furnished. The castle is overlooking the picturesque village of Celles, which is considered one of the â€Å"Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia†; it is composed of five magnificent towers. Inside, there’s a remarkable half-timbered gallery from the 16th century. From far a way you may think that it’s a fairy tail castle and a charming prince will come out of it any time. (See Figure 4). Figure 4. Event you would like to attend Choco-Late, the Bruges Chocolate Festival This festival takes place from 6 April until 10 April, in the historic city centre of Bruges. 72 exhibitors presented their products of chocolate to a large number of visitors. For the chocolate lover, it will be a good opportunity to taste many kinds of it with different new ways of preparing it. Once again visitors to the festival will have the privilege of tasting, experiencing and appreciating chocolate in all its forms. Well it would be a great chance to be missed. Time of year/Place to avoid Any time of year is good time to visit Belgium, but you may avoid July and August are since many take vacation during that period and Most Catholic holidays are celebrated in Belgium so check dates before attempting to schedule. Also avoid visiting Ghent on Monday when many of its important sights are closed. References Belgium. (2007). In Britannica Student Encyclopedia . Retrieved April 23, 2007, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/ebi/article-228985 The Belgian school system. (2006, Oct). Expatica. Steinbicker, E. (2006). Daytrips Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg: 40 One Day Adventures by Rail, Bus or Car. Winter park, Florida: Hastings house/Daytrips publisher. The Belgian Tourist Office (BTO) in the US. Retrieved April 23, 2007, from http://www. visitbelgium. com/.

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